Porcelain Veneers

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Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. It is often the material of choice for those looking to make slight position alterations, or to change tooth shape, size, and color.

Porcelain laminate veneers consist of a compilation of several thin ceramic layers which replace original tooth enamel, and an adhesive layer. To apply a veneer, a very small amount of the original tooth enamel must be removed, usually less than a millimeter. This is essential as it creates room for the porcelain veneer to fit within the mouth and most accurately restore natural tooth function while creating an even better appearance than the original tooth.

The bond between original tooth and porcelain veneer is critical as it not only provides the esthetic perfection desired, but also a strong bond which is essential for correct veneer function. Light-sensitive resin is placed between the original tooth and the veneer and then hardened using a special curing light.

Porcelain veneers are a very successful option in many situations where the original tooth has developed poor color, shape, and contours. It is also a good choice for fractured teeth, gaps between teeth, and in some situations where the tooth position is compromised and there are minor bite-related problems.

Unlike natural teeth, custom-made veneers resist coffee and tea stains, and cigarette smoke because they are made of high-tech materials.

With veneers—as opposed to crowns—your natural teeth remain largely intact with only a minimal amount being altered to fit the veneer.

For teeth that resist whitening, veneers can make even the darkest teeth appear bright white.

I have been coming to Dr Patel's dental practice for around two years now, and I can honestly say I have always had a wonderful experince each and evey time.

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I was still welcomed with open arms for my check up the same day. My visit here has left a great impression on me and I look forward to continuing to frequent here.

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Very nice and helpful folks. Needed a procedure and they called the same day to set up and let me know how much my insurance coverage would be.

Jeff W. on Google

Dr. Patel and all of his staff are very friendly, efficient, and professional. I was very satisfied with my visit and I will definitely go back. Highly recommended!!

Ann A. on Google

Fantastic dentist! Everyone in the office is very nice and always has answers to any of my questions. Dr. Patel and his staff are friendly, amazing at what they do, and provide the best treatment possible with minimal discomfort.

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All the office staff is very helpful with scheduling and with any questions we have. The hygentist and Dr. Patel are wonderful.

Crystal W. on Google

My experience at Aiken Family Dentistry has been phenomenal! The staff is friendly and goes out of their way to make you feel comfortable.

Cindy C. on Google

Great service! Dr. Patel is a great dentist. He does his job well and creates a very comfortable setting. The dental hygienists are awesome, too. Overall, an amazing dentistry.

Brittany S. on Google

Young & Very friendly Doctor. Excellent Service.

Jaimin P. on Google

Dr. Patel and his staff are wonderful! This is the top of the line dentistry office!

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